Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ups and Downs

Life in the Hoffman Household has been filled with many ups and downs lately.  Visits from both of our Moms (yay!), negative progress on the nursing front (boo!), lots of fun sister/brother moments (yay!), two very exhausted parents getting very little sleep between the nursing (attempts), bottle feeding, and pumping (boo).  My selfless husband decided for the sake of my mental health and sanity I needed a good night's sleep.  Monday he sent me to sleep with Natalie, ordered me to turn on the fan for white noise and sleep as long as I could while he took the night shift solo with Sammy.  I skipped pumping just this once and got an uninterrupted seven hours of glorious sleep - more than I've had in one stretch since July!  It was the best gift I've received E.V.E.R.  Ben is pretty much a superhero as far as I'm concerned.

Father & Son - identical sleepers

Eleanora can't get enough of "Baby Sa-ee"!

The first of many joint baths


Megan said...

I'm so glad to hear that you finally got a good chunk of sleep. I can't even fathom being that sleep deprived for so long!
I'm so sorry that nursing isn't going well. What a bummer! I'll be praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I have been dying for some more pictures of your precious family. I LOVE the pic of the sleeping Hoff-"men". I am so glad to hear you got some much needed rest. You are still in our constant prayers. Love you, Kami

Anonymous said...

Im glad to see things are going well!!! its so exciting seeing families grow and develop. I cant wait to have one of my own!!!