Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Bear-y Good Halloween

For Halloween, we ventured out of the house for the first time all together and a attended trick or treat event at a local outdoor mall.  Eleanora was a bit shy at first, whispering her "Tick o treat?", but once she realized there was candy involved she bravely marched into store after store cheerfully yelling, "Tick or teat!  Tan ooo!" (translation: "Trick or treat! Thank you!").

My sweet little bears

A flapper, two bears and Dwight Schroute from "The Office"
The lovely Wendy and her Peter Pan

 A few other fun pictures...

Enjoying her morning "coffee" and toast


Elaine said...

Sorry Ben, but you make an awesome geek!

And Liam, real men wear green tights. Congratulations!

The women and children are gorgeous as always : )

Beth said...

I don't know whose outfits I like more--the kids or the adults. You're all too precious for words! Good to see you all out having fun as a family. Such times are much more appreciated after being homebound for a stretch with a newborn!